Operating Profit Alterar Data
Calloway Real Estate Investment To CAD 215.18M 47.27M 2023-09
Country Garden Services Holdings CNY 3.25B 3.35B 2023-06
GK Salmolet Pao RUB 25.94B 1.31B 2023-06
Hammerson GBP 30.3M 216.1M 2023-06
Lamda Development EUR 2.96M 57.87M 2023-09
Lighthouse Capital EUR 30.14M 2.98M 2023-06
MAS Real Estate EUR 32.97M 33.75M 2023-06
NEPI Rockcastle EUR 332.09M 31.54M 2023-06
Octodec Investments ZAR 411.08M 26.66M 2022-12
REDS Real Estate Development and Services EUR 7.47M 4.58M 2023-06
Sirius Real Estate EUR 47.5M 28.51M 2023-06
Transcorp Hotels NGN 2.96B 713.45M 2023-09

Piedmont Office Realty Lucro Operacional - Valores atuais, dados históricos, previsões, estatísticas, gráficos e calendário econômico - May 2024.